Sitemap - 2023 - Birth & Baby Community

Are you the parent you hoped you'd be?

"I wish I'd had the courage to roar at the time"

What is labour?

Why some birth stories make me weep

How my son died

Why don't we value mothers more?

Giving ourselves a hard time as parents


Change & confidence

Let's talk about about tummy time

Using a doula

Getting through the tough weeks

As a busy parent, what do you need for you?

The first 2 weeks with your baby

TV Birth

How's your week been?

An overview of labour & birth

8 essentials if you go over your due date

How to have a voice

The Being Mum Project

Why focusing on your hormones

What does anxiety mean for you?

How has your week been?

Chaos & routines

How do you relax?

Checklist for labour & birth

So, just how tired are you?

Pregnancy Scans

Birth & baby gurus

Being induced

What being a doula has taught me

Safer co-sleeping

Safer Sleep

Being at the centre of your care

Let's talk about being overwhelmed

Using a birth pool

The impact of the menopause

Accepting how your baby sleeps

Going over your due date

How's your week been?

Every day is different

Learning to trust your instincts

relax & breathe throughout your week

What do you want your birth story to be?


Who are you?

How has your week been?

Labour & Birth Challenges

Managing stress & anxiety

Being on call

What do you need in your birth bag?

Use your breathing

Introducing a new chat space

Maternity Service Report – pregnancy & birth findings

What is good birth support?

Conversations & Questions this week

Parent Tip

Here's to a new year